Washtenaw Wash is like Laundry University. Highlights: Februissue of Star Magazine with Angelina Jolie and Johnny Depp on the cover. We were the only ones in the whole place, and I salute Jason for being brave enough to do his laundry here. Some had buttons taped off, some were out of order and Jason used the one with a "Slam Door" sign taped to it. If I didn’t trust the decor, I certainly wasn’t going to trust the machines. Suds has been cleaned since 2009 judging by the decor - no fewer than nine Block Ms pointing to a framed Michigan football poster from 2009 featuring Ann Arbor legend Rich Rodriguez. The dirtiest thing in the whole place was the "Clean Up Your Own Mess" sign, which was caked in grit, fuzz and hair. A 7-Up machine was lit up and appeared to be working, but I wasn't taking any chances. Also not operational was the one Coke machine in the place or the vending machine beside it, which was completely empty. Suds - rather they have an old blue iMac that was cutting-edge technology in 1998. Have you ever stood with a friend in a Laundromat watching Keeping up with the Kardashians on mute while listening to 104.3 WOMC? I have. That's my frame of reference for who uses Super Suds. When he pulls out, the Mercedes cuts through the night with one headlight missing and a taillight out. In a decent-sized parking lot with just three cars in it, he's parked diagonally across two spaces. I don't recall seeing when they open.Ī guy climbs into an old Mercedes with the smashed front end and a backseat packed to the ceiling with clothes. Lowlights: It's a little disconcerting that there are so many red emergency stop buttons on the washers and driers.Ī handwritten sign says they now close at 11 p.m. Stadium brand purified water for sale the internet is strong enough to stream Netflix even the bathroom is nice.

Specials: Every Wednesday and Friday is Milnor Time - triple loaders are only $2.75 I can see why Jason frequents this place.
Clean, huge, full of candy and with a giant television showing sports. On the nine giant floor mats (I counted), on all the walls, on a framed article from the Kevin Costner film The Upside of Anger which featured a few frames of Mr. Stadium’s tagline - "Since 1972." It's everywhere. A family sat in a booth eating fast food while a hipster boy wearing flip flops with ear buds blocking out the world banged away on his laptop.

Stadium is big and clean with plenty of places to sit, read magazines or do homework. There’s even something called the Lucky Leprechaun that sells bouncy balls for 75 cents but proclaims, "Will the lucky leprechaun return your quarters?" The five-foot-tall machine with its cartoon leprechaun holding a giant quarter with a whistle in its mouth would fit right in next to the slot machines at the Tropicana. I was compelled to make unhealthy choices - eating two bags of chips, a package of Twizzlers and feeding money into the Sweet Shoppe Grabber, a machine where you steer a claw and grab candy. It was hard to tell what time of day it was there’s the constant sound of coins tinkling on metal. After an hour I felt like I was in Vegas.
I knew this place would be different when I walked through automatic doors (!) and saw a wireless password printed on the wall. Jason agreed to accompany me to three different businesses to give three laundromats a spin.

I wanted to see if Ann Arbor was different. His check-ins had me missing the good old days of Ravenswood. I see him check in on foursquare at one of Ann Arbor’s premier laundromats - Mr. I don't like laundromats, but I realize people have to use them. The laundromat experience was so wretched in Ravenswood that when I had to seek outside laundry help in Jacksonville, I found a nice place that washed your clothes and charged by the pound. Once was in an area north of downtown Chicago called Ravenswood and the other was in Jacksonville, Fla. Since college, I've only been without access to laundry facilities twice. Don’t get me wrong - in principle I have nothing against sharing economy-sized super washers with the rest of Washtenaw county - but I prefer sharing the boring top-loader on the second floor of my apartment building with the 10 other people I occasional nod to in the hallway. Jason DePasqualeIt's not unfortunates who do laundry at a laundromat, but it's unfortunate that people have to use them.